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Author Archives: TreeGuyAdmin

Benefits of Tree Recycling in Cape Elizabeth, ME; Mulch, Wood Pellets, Firewood & More

Trees provide clean air as they produce oxygen, intercept airborne particulates, and reduce smog. Throughout a typical trees’ lifespan of eight to 12 years, it absorbs carbon dioxide, emits fresh oxygen, stabilizes soil, protects water supplies, and provides refuge for wildlife. Recycled Trees Can Be Turned into Mulch, Wood Pellets & More Trees can be…

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How to Prevent Tree Root Failure, Broken Branches & Other Wind & Rain Storm Damage in Brunswick, ME

Wind, rain, lightning and even ice and snow is responsible for destroying thousands of street and shade trees every year. The severe wind and thunderstorms that pass often leave destroyed trees in their wake. There are no exceptions to the victims the weather selects, even the historical and rare trees that were specifically designed into…

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