Wind, rain, lightning and even ice and snow is responsible for destroying thousands of street and shade trees every year. The severe wind and thunderstorms that pass often leave destroyed trees in their wake. There are no exceptions to the victims the weather selects, even the historical and rare trees that were specifically designed into the landscaping can have extensive damage. In an effort to help the people in Greater Portland, Maine avoid the high cost of initial damage and the residual financial burdens that can take effect, we at would like to offer some awareness and preventative tips to keep your trees safer during the severe storms.
Tree Leaning After Storm, Top Broke Off, Trunk Damage or Broken in Half?
Storms bring unfortunate, complex and interactive mixes of tree problems with each type of tree damage that occurs. Stem failure, branch failure, root failure, blow-over, and crown twist are the primary types of storm tree damage.
Tree Root Damage After Heavy Rain
Trees have one of two types of root systems; structural, woody roots or fine, absorbing roots. Displaying a massive surface area, absorbing roots are weak whereas structural roots have a smaller surface area and are stronger. Either root system is your tree’s anchorage. The trees can lean or even fall if the roots become damaged by construction trauma, diseased or pest infested, or are constrained, causing the roots to snap or pull.
Broken Tree Branches
Branch failure is when the main stem has poorly attached branches. Typically, the most common is branch collar. This is when a branch is stuck on the side of the stem each year by a small layer of stem wood. Allowing the branch to be flexible and disposable the structural arrangement of the woody material entering the stem and turning downward. As biological liability to the tree, the stem will shut off from the branch. Over the years, ice storms or down bursts of rain cause damage as the branch is unprepared and susceptible to tearing downward along the stem or snapping from the heavy loading periods after stress is put on that branch.
Tree Struck By Lightning
Lightning damage moves in a narrow line down the branches, stems, and roots or it will move along a wide pathway encompassing the entire tree cylinder. Lightning is a life-threatening situation. The tree tissue is destroyed directly by lightning from the electrical disruption and heat. Any root damage won’t be seen, but the tree manifests a steam explosion down the stem, in a wide or narrow band from where the electrical current has moved through the tree.
Tree Blown Over By Wind
Trees are physically pushed by high winds. There is too great of force from the aerial wind dynamics tree portions. Poor maintenance, abuse, pest problems, root rot, and other diseases will weaken the wood architecture.
Tree Stem Failure
Trees cannot heal from wounds. Their wounds are sealed when the trees grow new wood over the old wood. Trees carry their injuries throughout their life. Where these old injury sites have recovered new wood around the old injured wood in comparison to solid wood, the structure is significantly weaker. Failure of the tree to adjust to wind conditions can lead to stem failure as the tree suffers from heavy wind loading. Stem damage and breakage in the mass of the crown moves too quickly when released as the inertia of the moving crown may move too far in the opposite direction.
Tree Crown Twist
The tree’s crown consists of supporting twigs, leaves, and branches and the crown is never symmetrically perfect. Neglect and poor maintenance often leave the tree lopsided. Torque is produced as more wind loading is on one side of the crown than on another because there are more branches on one main stem. The twisting effect can be biologically adjusted as over time the new wood layers over. Due to the stem twisting magnifying weaknesses around old injuries, the stem will split, or branches collapse.
Pre Storm Safety Inspection, Storm Damage Tree Cleanup & More in Gorham, Lewiston, Brunswick, Saco, Cape Elizabeth & Greater Portland, Maine
There are a few things you can do to protect your trees prior to the next big storm. Stake down new trees to allow them to get used to the wind in the environment. Make certain trees are loosely tied down, but tight enough that the tree is supported. According to the type of tree, ensure you apply proper routine pruning and trimming. Branches that are sickly, damaged, or poorly grown should be removed. While avoiding over fertilization and overwatering, make sure the trees are adequately watered and fertilized. Crowns should be trimmed to even out the lopsided growth. The whole tree if necessary, or any diseased branches should be cut free before they infect neighboring trees. Be sure to avoid overcrowding of trees. If you need assistance protecting your trees from potential storm damage, call and let our qualified experts provide quality services such as pre storm inspections and even storm damage tree cleanup.