You likely have had to take your car in for an inspection or maybe you have your work inspected by a professional. An inspection will likely occur when needed and is a way to have a professional eye determine some factor that you need to know. When it comes to the trees that are on your property you may not realize it but they should be inspected. It is not the best idea to wait until the tree has a problem or is showing signs that it is damaged or dying. The trees that are on your property should be important to you since they add value to the house and bring nature to the surrounding area. Trees are needed, and the older and more established they are the better. You want to make sure you know what a tree inspection is and when you should have them done. outlines when you should have a tree inspection.
How Often Should Trees Be Inspected
One of the things that many people seem to skip over is the importance of tree inspections. You want to make sure that your trees have the best opportunity to grow and flourish. This means they need to be healthy and the only way to know is to have an inspection done. There are several reasons you may want to have your trees inspected. One is when you buy a house and you want to make sure there is no damage or risk you need to be aware of. It is also a great idea to have an inspection when you have a storm that is headed your way. This is a great way to protect your trees from potential storm damage that could cause trouble to you and your house as well.
Tree Falling Warning
One of the most important things a tree inspection will determine is if there is any damage to the tree that you need to be aware of. The tree can become damaged in many ways and sometimes they can be overlooked. The tree may have a limb that is cracked and if there is high winds it can and will likely fall. They also can see signs that the tree has other areas that are damaged and could mean that the tree might fall and die. When there is damage to the tree it may need some limbs removed to protect it.
Tree Inspections Look for Disease
The other thing you want to have your tree inspected for are signs that there is disease. Just like a person your trees can become diseased as well and this can cause the tree to die. It is best to know what you can do to treat any disease that your tree may have and what you can do to prevent it from happening again.
Pre Storm & Other Tree Inspections & More in Gorham, Lewiston, Brunswick, Saco, Cape Elizabeth & Greater Portland, Maine can come out to your house and inspect the trees at your home and on your property. Call us today!